This project focuses on leaders from Houston's Latino community who shaped the city. Latinx Icons is funded in part by the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance. It is compiled by Tony Diaz. We want to thank Houston Public Media for bringing attention to our vibrant community.

Latinx Icons Profiles feature: 

* Lesson plans for each Latinx Icon, for high school, dual credit, or college courses.

* 4-minute videos of each Latinx Icon.

* Links to profiles aired on Houston Public Media News - FM 88.7.

* Biographical information.

* Photos for your use, especially for educational purposes. Please credit Pablo Rocha. 

We encourage community centers, families, teachers, colleges, researchers to use this material. Send us a note, tell us what you think.

          As I began interviewing Dr. Caram for LatinxIcons, I also had the pleasure of working with her to form a brand new organization. How new? She had just finished writing the by-laws for the Latino Cultural and Arts Center of Houston-LCACH.
She was doing this even as some of the organizations she founded celebrated 50 years of changing the world. She is tireless, optimistic, and brilliant.
          This is how Community Cultural Capital is cultivated con cariño.

Latinx Icons is funded in part by the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance. 

          I am blessed that Johhny paved the way for me and so many others, and I have come to call him a mentor and friend. I wanted to bring my experiences with Johnny Mata full circle and share his story to launch LatinxIcons during the Ultimate Hispanic Heritage Month.
           I was fortunate to get to work with him many times directly.
           I drove with him and others to Hempstead when community members reported that a principal prohibited students from speaking Spanish.

          Latinx Icons is funded in part by the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance. 
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